Flow Forward: May 9 tours of the Evansville Water Treatment Plant, the sunrise garden, the Monarch Waystation rain garden and more!

On Thursday, May 9 from 4:30 – 8 pm the Evansville Water and Sewer Utility (EWSU), SWIMGA, and Purdue Extension are holding a free event open to the public.  Presentations will include the Bee Slew and how they chose the plants and their unique characteristics; the EWSU’S composting capabilities; rainwater collection both below ground and above ground; and the Pump Station’s laboratory. In addition, Amanda Bradshaw Burks will give a brief education on home water conservation and best practices.  If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Bradshaw Burks at 812-435-5287 (bradshaa@purdue.edu).

To register and for more information, click HERE